Arne Mainkvist

Kubus Ludus
660 x 660 x 660 mm

Kuben er lavet af ahorn, elm og valnød, nogle messing og stål
”dimser” og en del magneter. Jeg har selv lavet alle brikkerne, mega-besværligt, da jeg er ny som drejer! Men det har været sjovt og givende, næsten hele vejen .
Kubus Ludus, ”legende kube”, fandt min kone på. Jeg vil gerne takke hende for tålmodigheden med de mange timer, jeg har spenderet i værkstedet.

Jeg håber du/i kan lide resultatet!

Kubus Ludus
660 x 660 x 660 mm

The cube is made of maple, elm and walnut wood, some brass and steel "gizmos" and some magnets. I made all the pieces myself, that was a hassle, as turning is new to me! But it has been fun and rewarding, almost all the way, not my “ordinary day at the office”.

My wife came up with the name; Kubus Ludus, “the playing cube”. I would like to thank her for her patience and support through all the hours (days), I spent in the workshop.

I hope you like the result!