Flemming Keldebæk



3D labyrint

220 x 220 x 220 mm

Kuben består af 9 etager med forskellige forhindringer før kuglen, Ø 17 mm, kan komme ned til næste etage. Kuglen kommes i tophullet. Gæsten skal tippe, dreje og lytte på kuglen. Det gælder om hurtigst muligt at få kuglen ned til udløbshullet. Dér er en magnet, som med et klik fastholder kuglen.

3D labyrinth
220 x 220 x 220 mm

The cube consists of 9 different levels. Each level contains obstacles, which must be overcome before the ball can pass to the next level. The ball is put into the hole on the top of the cube. The guest must then turn and move the cube to make the ball drop to the next level. The object of the cube is to make the ball pass through all the levels, as fast as possible, until the ball rests at the magnet at the end of the maze.